Friday 13 August 2021

paragraph of the week

      Life without devices

There was a window that a young teen sat by everyday after school.His name was brain. He was always bored because he did not have any devices. He always had to ask his friends at school if they wanted to hang out with him after school. Brian sat by the window waiting for his friends to arrive at the school because he lived close to the school. He was going to go hunting with his friend and playing rugby in the backyard like teenage boys do. He loved going hunting with his friend because he always got to have some goes to use his own gun when they go hunting. They always played rugby in the backyard or they went to the rugby grounds. They also play basketball for their high school team but they are on different teams but they don’t mind.

This week my class did a paragraph of the week this week it was life with no devices. So this is my paragraph

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